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CMS PSO accepts donations year-round to help fund continued programming and support of Centennial Middle School and our students and teachers.
Fall 2019
Spring 2010
Register for AmazonSmile by clicking the orange link on the right!
AmazonSmile is a simple and easy way to donate to the CMS PSO! Simply click on the orange link to the right. You will be prompted to allow AMAZON to be updated to donate to CMS PSO via their SMILE program That's IT! Now, just shop on Amazon like you normally would and 0.05% of all your purchases will be automatically donated to the CMS PSO. You do not pay anything extra, Amazon donates the money on your behalf automatically!
Click on the image to the left and register for AmazonSmile. This program supports the School Supply Request Program. Enter Centennial Middle School Parent Support Organization or the CMS PSO EIN # 47-4876850. |